
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant

Created by Onyx Path - Trinity Continuum: Aberrant

Contribute to help us create a traditionally printed version of Aberrant, a setting expansion for the Trinity Continuum tabletop RPG

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Biological variations in humans demonstrating unique capabilities
over 5 years ago – Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 05:19:15 PM

 An artifact from the days after N-Day... 

Biological variations in humans demonstrating unique capabilities

Lauren M. Seyler, Ph.D. 

A sudden epidemic of people demonstrating unique "powers" has manifested recently. The origin and mechanism of these powers remains unknown. A small sample size of cases (n=10) were tested using a number of standard medical techniques, in order to determine any physiological explanation for these aberrant abilities and better understand this phenomenon. These aberrant individuals were compared to known baseline results.

The aberrant subjects were subjected to a battery of standard physical exams, including complete X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a stress test, coronary angiography, and a comprehensive metabolic panel. Two aberrant subjects demonstrated dramatic morphological shifts from the baseline; however these seem to have followed immediately after the manifestation of abilities, and have thus been ruled out as the cause. Five subjects displayed variances on a metabolic level far outside the normal human range. There is as yet no perceived common factor among all the subjects tested.

Biopsies of altered morphologies revealed an anomalous structure within the subjects' cells that does not resemble any known cellular organelle. Sample cells have been sent to the National Cancer Institute’s Electron Microscopy Laboratory for examination by transmission electron microscopy. Further analysis by the Fenster method is also recommended.

Additionally, DNA extracted from a sample of each subject’s blood has been sent to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for complete genomic sequencing at the Human Genome Center. We suspect that the unique capabilities of these aberrant individuals may be a result of genetic mutation, and as such these subjects may be considered a new subspecies of human: Homo sapiens novus.

Hey Continuum Community!

We're officially in the back half of this campaign! We've come so far so fast, but now the real work begins and we try and use that momentum and continue to push forward and grow over the next two weeks. We've already hit a ton of Stretch Goals and have posted awesome funding numbers, and the best way to keep doing that is to continue to grow our backer count! The more the merrier, and that's the real goal of this project - getting Trinity Continuum: Aberrant into as many hands as possible, and having it played on as many tables (gaming table, virtual tabletop, or otherwise) as possible.

We're still getting people that have stumbled across this campaign by chance, so there's lots of opportunities to spread the word and let others know about it! I mean, I know we like talking about the game - look at our comment count from yesterday!!! So, please continue to share on your social media and in your social circles!

Some key points, if you're throwing info blasts:

  •  Aberrant is a system & setting supplement for the Trinity Continuum tabletop roleplaying game. Set ten years in the future, a terrible accident as awakened quantum potential in a number of humans, giving them super powers. These novas have the power to re-shape the world, but actions have consequences and tapping into these fundamental forces comes with a cost. 
  • It's totally possible to play a game about superhero celebrities as well! There are options for tone and genre and advice on how to carry those themes through your ongoing campaign.
  • We've hit 12 Stretch Goals, unlocking additional material that's automatically added on to most reward tiers!
  • Backing the project will give you access to the complete manuscript before the campaign ends! You can read the entire book and make sure it's the game for you before any payments are processed!
  • You can back for $5 to check it out and upgrade your pledge before the campaign ends - or after, in our post-campaign pledge manager.

Really! If you become a backer, you can read the manuscript now and get in on the fun!

It's Mega-James. This is my costume when I'm playing a four-color celebrity-style game! Gotta have the merch to be a Mega-Influencer!
It's Mega-James. This is my costume when I'm playing a four-color celebrity-style game! Gotta have the merch to be a Mega-Influencer!

Character Creation

With the Quantum Powers preview out, we've been talking about building characters and assembling powers a lot in the comments. Since we're all new to the system and rules, we're still working our way through like toddlers, but slowly figuring it out.

The development team and writers built a lot of characters while writing and playtesting the rules, and came up with a kind of "Quick Character Creator" series of tables to both randomize and/or guide choices to test out a variety of builds. I've asked if those bits can be cobbled together into something that we can have access to at some point, so we'll see about that as a future project or release or update or something. But here's a little bit that may serve to help us build characters as well...

Alex Builds Dr. Phantom  

Alex wants a quick nova character for a game he’s going to sit-in on.

Step One: He goes for an easy concept: An ex-military guy, who has some combat skills and can pretty easily fit in with most adventures.

Step Two: Choosing Origin, Profession, and Society paths, Alex goes the fairly easy route of Military Brat (his character is from a military family and background). He considers Combat Specialist, but instead decides to go for Medical Practitioner, thinking his character was a combat medic, maybe even a military physician. For Society path, he picks Æon Society as a good middle of the road option. Alex picks three skill dots and two edge dots from each of his character’s paths, ending up with: Command 1, Humanities 1, Integrity 1, Medicine 2, Persuasion 1, Science 1, Survival 1, Technology 1, and Adrenaline Spike, Allies, Always Prepared, Earned Trust 2, and Iron Will.

Step Three: Now Alex allocates six additional dots to his character’s skills, giving him a final set of: Aim 1, Athletics 1, Command 1, Humanities 2, Integrity 2, Medicine 3, Persuasion 1, Science 1, Survival 2, Technology 1. He takes the Diagnostic Expert skill trick and a specialty in Diseases. Alex is thinking his character has seen action in dangerous parts of the world treating disease outbreaks.

Step Four: Alex ranks his characters Arenas as Mental, Physical, and Social, distributing six, four, and two attribute dots among them for Intellect 3, Cunning 3, Resolve 3, Might 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Presence 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 1

He decides his character’s Favored Approach is Resilience, putting an additional dot in each of those attributes for Resolve 4, Stamina 3, Composure 2. This guy is bright, focused, quick, and cool under pressure, although he sometimes loses his temper dealing with people.

Step Five: Now it’s time to apply the nova template. Wanting to move things along, Alex decides to just roll for an archetype, getting an 8 on the die. That’s a Sneak. 

 Archetype Table (d10)

1 Elemental: You wield the powers of a particular force or element.

2 Fighter: Your abilities make you an especially effective combatant.

3 Genius: You excel in an area of intellectual endeavor, more than most can imagine.

4 Morph: You can transform your body in various ways.

5 Mover: You get around, moving in ways (and at speeds) most cannot.

6 Paragon: You are the peak of human achievement—in almost everything.

7 Performer: Whatever else you can do, you are a social tour de force.

8 Sneak: Your abilities focus on stealth, infiltration, and avoiding detection.

9 Summoner: You can call up or create things to do things for you.

10 Tank: You’re superhumanly strong and tough.

Sneak Archetype

A Sneak focuses on being able to move and act without being detected.

Quantum: 2 [16 Experience] 

Mega-Attributes: Mega-Cunning 1, Mega-Dexterity 1, Mega-Composure 1 [36 Experience]

Mega-Edges: Choose three of Mega-Hearing, Mega-Scent, Mega-Vision, Micro-Manipulation, Movement Mode (Clinging or Gliding), Multitasking, Pretercognition, Quantum Sense, Spectrum Vision, Subtle Presence, Telecommunication, or Ultraperipherial Perception

Quick-Pick: Mega-Vision, Movement Mode (Gliding), Subtle Presence [36 Experience]

Quantum Powers: Choose one of the following sets of powers or roll a die: [48 Experience]

1–2 Chameleon: Morph 4

3–4 Ghost: Phasing 4

5–6 Shadow: Shroud 4 (Broadband, Dual, Variable)

7–8 Shrinker: Shrinking 4

9–10 Unseen: Cloak 4 (Broadband, Chemical, Sonic)


Trade one choice of a Mega-Edge for an additional dot in a Mega-Attribute.

Trade one dot of a Mega-Attribute for an additional Mega-Edge.

Swap out the tags (if any) on a Quantum Power.

Swap one dot of Shrinking or a Mega-Edge dot for Animal Mastery 2 with the Restricted 1 tag (Quick-Pick: Only Size Scale –1 and smaller creatures).

He takes all of the quick-pick options and rolls Ghost for the power package. Alex decides his character erupted under combat conditions when he desperately needed to reach a victim trapped behind rubble, gaining the power to pass through the solid barriers in his way. Folks nicknamed him “Doctor Phantom” after that and he applied to the Æon Society to use his abilities and medical training to help people in high-stress rescue operations.

Step Six: Since Doctor Phantom is a nova, he skips over the bonus traits (already a part of his nova template Experience). He has an additional Injured Condition (for Stamina 3). His Defense is 1.

I'll see if we can get the team to write-up more of these Quick Pick tables and/or another example before the next Manuscript Preview! Stay tuned! 




over 5 years ago – Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 09:57:54 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

over 5 years ago – Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 08:18:05 PM

Hello Continuum Community,

Well, you've done it again! Every time I load in some Stretch Goals and prepare to update as we unlock them over the week, we rush through them in a few days!

I mean, I just posted our latest goals 3 days ago! And we hit one while I was typing that, so only listed our next two! Which we've now achieved!!

 Achieved! - will have the original book scanned and be made available as a PDF on A copy will be added to the Aberrant 1E Mini Sourcebook PDF Bundle. 

 Achieved! - PROTEUS NOVA COMPENDIUM 3 – The project will be further expanded to include short bios for any characters on the master list that weren’t included in the Trinity Continuum: Aberrant book. 

So, our next trinity of Stretch Goals sits before us:

At $91,000 in funding - ABERRANT NOVELLA - A short story set in the world of Aberrant, highlighting the world and characters. All backers receiving the Trinity Continuum: AberrantPDF will have this automatically added to their rewards list. 

 At $96,000 in funding - NOVAS WORLDWIDE – An introductory scenario, designed to jumpstart a longer chronicle. All backers receiving the PDF version of Trinity Continuum: Aberrant will have a PDF version of NOVAS WORLDWIDE automatically added to their rewards list. 

 At $100,000 in funding -  ART BUDGET INCREASE - Additional funds will be allocated to the art budget, adding more amazing and incredible art to the Trinity Continuum: Aberrant  book.  

And there we go! Fiction set in the Trinity Continuum: Aberrant period, taking us inside the world and visiting with the characters in the setting. And then the creation of additional content, in the form of a new Scenario book, ready to launch a new campaign. And finally, crossing a big threshold ($100,000 and 250% of funding target!) and investing some additional funds into the book itself. 

We've done so well so far - let's keep it up! Remember to share on your social media and in your social circles! We're about 150 backers behind where we were at this point in last year's Trinity Continuum: Æon campaign, so still really really close, but I know that means there are still some Trinity Continuum curious out there who haven't heard about this campaign yet, so please spread the word as best you can!

It's Mega-James, with some Mega-Secret previews...
It's Mega-James, with some Mega-Secret previews...

shhhh... tomorrow, all backers will be able to see the next two chapters in our weekly manuscript preview. Tomorrow's chapters are two of the "crunchiest" - New Rules and Quantum Powers. Here's a tiny preview that may not make much sense until we see more of the preview tomorrow (and get to see all of the Power Tags), but let's enjoy a tiny tiny sneak peek...


Just as baseline characters have access to various Edges representing unusual or specialized training or abilities, novas have access to Mega-Edges, representing specific superhuman capabilities. Mega-Edges are often specialized manifestations of a nova’s Mega-Attributes, although that is not always the case. Like regular Edges, they are rated in dots, and some Mega-Edges have a range of dots. In addition to any other prerequisites associated with a Mega-Edge a character must have the nova template and a Quantum rating of at least 1 to acquire a Mega-Edge.

Digital Manipulation (• to •••••)

Prerequisite: Mega-Intellect equal to dots

With fine control over light and electricity, the nova can influence digital computers, which are found practically everywhere in the 21st century. The nova can affect any computer within Range with a single success, with Difficulty determined by the device’s resistance to intrusion and hacking: zero for most simple devices, 1 or 2 for moderately resistant devices, and at least +2 for military or security devices.

With control over the device, the nova can order it to do anything it is physically capable of doing, including displaying or transmitting data stored on it. If the nova has the Digital Scan Mega-Edge, they can also read data directly from a controlled digital device, regardless of any encryption or security measures.

For complex operations involving Digital Manipulation, the Storyguide may call for a Technology + Intellect roll. The nova can substitute their dots in Digital Manipulation for one of these two traits, if its rating is higher.

Quantum Powers

The nova ability to manipulate fundamental quantum forces manifests in numerous different ways, ranging from projecting and controlling different types of energy to defying gravity in order to fly or the ability to control, animate, or rearrange various forms of mater, to name a few. Every manifestation of this ability outside of Mega-Attributes and Mega-Edges is a quantum power and quantum powers are often as unique as a nova’s own personality. While every nova theoretically has the potential to wield any quantum power, the circumstances of the nova’s eruption, along with their personality and conscious as well as subconscious wishes, tend to dictate which powers novas manifest and develop over time.

Environmental Anima

Quantum Minimum: Dots

Action: Ordinary

Cost: 1 Quantum point

Dice Pool: None

Range: Medium

Duration: Maintained

By manipulating various forces, the nova creates changes in the surrounding environment, from raising or lowering the temperature, to condensing moisture out of the air to create fog or precipitation, or shifting the ambient light level or even changing the local gravity.

When this power is acquired, the nova can create one of: a level 1 Barrier to movement, a +1 Complication, or level 1 Environmental Damage with the Continuous (hour) and Deadly tags per dot, limited to terrestrial environmental conditions. The nova can also reduce Environmental Complications and Indirect Damage by the number of levels they can create. Dot allocations are fixed once chosen.

Environmental Anima can have the following special power tags:

Continuous (1): Each application of this tag shifts the power’s Environmental Damage up a step, to Continuous (minute) and then Continuous (Round).

Non-Terrestrial (1): The nova can create non-terrestrial environments, including toxic or radioactive atmospheres and changes in local gravity. As a 0-point power tag, the nova can only create non-terrestrial environments and not terrestrial ones.

Range (1): Each application of this tag increases the Environmental Anima’s Range Band by one, starting from Medium to Long, then to Extreme (10 kilometers), and a factor of x10 per tag. This tag cannot be applied more times than the power’s rating.

Variable (1): The nova can mix-and-match levels of Barrier, Complication, and Environmental Damage when they use this power and can chance the allocation at will as a reflexive action.

There's lots more coming tomorrow...

over 5 years ago – Sun, Jul 14, 2019 at 07:44:43 PM


The nova ability to channel fundamental forces and to transform themselves gives them the potential for superhuman Attributes that go well beyond the limits of human ability. These enhanced Attributes are known as Mega-Attributes

Acquiring Mega-Attributes 

Like other nova traits, Mega-Attributes are acquired by spending Experience while applying the nova template during character creation, or while advancing a character with that template in game play. The nova must have a Quantum rating equal to or greater than the desired Mega-Attribute rating as well as a number of dots in the normal Attribute equal to or greater than the desired Mega-Attribute rating (or 5 dots in the normal Attribute, for Mega-Attribute ratings of 5 or greater). So, for a nova to acquire a rating of 3 in a Mega-Attribute, that nova must have least least Quantum 3 and 3 dots in the underlying normal Attribute. 

Mega-Attributes and Scale 

More than any other nova trait, Mega-Attributes interact with the Scale mechanics. Generally speaking, each dot in a Mega-Attribute increases the nova’s Scale in a specific area by one. The specific Mega-Attribute descriptions explain which areas of Scale are affected. Some Mega-Edges further expand a Mega-Attribute’s relationship with different Scales. For example, Mega-Speed applies a nova’s Mega-Dexterity to the character’s Speed Scale as well. 

As with other uses of Scale, a nova’s Mega-Attributes generally provide a measure of Enhancement on actions relative to the Scale of the task or opposition the nova faces and generally multiply the nova’s capabilities for dealing with things on a dramatic level. They also act as the Attribute for specific Mega-Edge rolls. 

Mega-Attributes and Stealth Novas 

While the popular conception of nova Mega-Attributes are the higher ratings, with abilities a hundred or a thousand times greater than a baseline, some novas have subtler, but still superhuman, levels of Mega-Attributes, and often a wider range of them. These so-called “dark stars” or “stealth novas” have only one or two dots in any given Mega-Attribute, but that’s still enough to make them more capable in that area than almost any baseline human, particularly if their underlying Attributes are rating 3 or higher. A nova with one dot in every Mega-Attribute — possible with just the starting amount of Experience from the nova template — is better than a baseline at virtually everything, and still has Experience left over for, say, a Mega-Edge or improving their skill ratings as well. Such “dark stars” also have the advantage of needing fairly low Quantum ratings for their nova traits, and thus less likelihood of accumulating Transcendence and Transformations. 


Mega-Intellect improves the raw computing power of a nova’s mind, to the point where high-level Mega-Intellect novas can function like “living databases” who seem to know everything. What they don’t know, they can easily figure out. Mega-Intellect is a key Attribute for nova super-science. Mega-Intellect grants: 

• Increase in mental Scale equal to its dots for Intellect rolls. 

• Dots equal to its rating to distribute among the following mental edges: Iron Will, Lightning Calculator, Photographic Memory, and Speed Reading. 


Mega-Might increases a nova’s muscle power far beyond human limits. At high levels, Mega-Might novas can lift multiple tons and smash steel and stone with their bare hands. Like several other nova abilities, Mega-Might is at least partially based in a nova’s ability to manipulate quantum forces — no amount of body modification would allow a human-sized being to exert the kind of force powerful Mega-Might novas do. At least part of their power seems to bend or ignore concepts like leverage or structural weaknesses. Mega-Might novas: 

• Increase Might Scale by their Mega-Might dots for lifting, moving, and damaging things using sheer muscle power. 

• The nova can also throw anything they can lift out a number of Range bands equal to their Mega-Might dots (Extreme Range at Mega-Might 4+). If they throw an object as an attack, it gains the Thrown, Pushing, and Shockwave tags. 

• The nova receives the benefit of Dramatic Scale when inflicting damage through sheer Might: 2 Enhancement per difference between the nova’s Mega-Might Scale and the target’s defensive Scale, such as Mega-Stamina or Durability. So a Mega-Might 4 (Scale 5) nova striking a Scale 1 target gains 8 Enhancement for inflicting damage. 


Mega-Dexterity grants novas superhuman grace, flexibility, balance, and coordination. They can perform challenging feats of acrobatics and complex movement with the ease of walking across a room. It doesn’t make the character faster (see the Mega-Speed edge for that), but inhumanly dexterous. Mega-Dexterity novas: 

• Ignore 1 point of Complications on Dexterity rolls per Mega-Dexterity dot. Once Complications are reduced to 0, any remaining dots in Mega-Dexterity lower the Difficulty of a Dexterity roll to as low as 1. High Mega-Dexterity novas can perform virtually “impossible” feats of grace and coordination with the ease of walking across a room. 

• Increase their Dramatic Scale by their Mega-Dexterity dots when performing a Dexterity task faster than or against an opponent: 2 Enhancement per difference in Scale. In this case, the nova does not ignore Complications or reduce Difficulty. 


While all novas tend to be fit and can withstand the effects of their extraordinary powers, those with Mega-Stamina have truly superhuman constitutions and resistance to harm. Those with high levels of Mega-Stamina are virtually immune to the needs of mere mortals, and may even possess vastly increased lifespans. Mega-Stamina novas: 

• Increases durability Scale by 1 per Mega-Stamina dot for resisting pain and conditions relating to Stamina, such as fatigue, hunger, or thirst. 

• Gains Enhancement equal to their Mega-Stamina dots on Stamina + Resolve rolls to resist indirect damage. 

• Divide the time required to resolve an Injury Condition by their Mega-Stamina Scale. 



Quantum buildup in Room 113
over 5 years ago – Sat, Jul 13, 2019 at 11:52:08 PM

Hello Continuum Community,

During the campaign, I love sharing fiction from the setting - short stories that can capture a moment within the world that we're presenting. But, because this is Aberrant, it takes a slightly different form...

It's called Eruption for a reason...