
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant

Created by Onyx Path - Trinity Continuum: Aberrant

Contribute to help us create a traditionally printed version of Aberrant, a setting expansion for the Trinity Continuum tabletop RPG

Latest Updates from Our Project:

2019 Year End Summary
about 5 years ago – Wed, Jan 01, 2020 at 01:38:55 AM

Hey there, Continuum Community,

On this final day of 2019, I wanted to do a quick check in on our campaign and where we stand. The intention of this post is to both to look forward to what we can expect in 2020, and then take a moment to look at Onyx Path's journey over this past year.


In 2019, Trinity Continuum: Aberrant had a successful Kickstarter campaign, with 1,808 backers pledging $125,098 to help bring this project to life!

2020 should have great things in store for the Trinity Continuum. Now that the core rules are out, we should see even more gamers joining our community. And hopefully, the Æon and Aberrant settings are just the starting point... I'm crossing my fingers that we'll see a kickstarter for Adventure! in 2020 as well! 

REWARD TRACKING - Completed Rewards (Sent to Backers)

  • Aberrant 1E PDF Bundle: System & Setting (update #37, Sept 9, 2019)
  • Aberrant 1E PDF Bundle: Factions & Organizations (update #37, Sept 9, 2019)
  • Aberrant 1E PDF Bundle: Mini Sourcebooks (update #37, Sept 9, 2019)
  • You Are Not Alone Compilation PDF (update #37, Sept 9, 2019)
  • Trinity Continuum Core PDF (update #37, Sept 9, 2019)
  • Trinity Continuum: Æon PDF (update #37, Sept 9, 2019)
  • OnyxDice Aberrant D10 (update #39, Oct 3, 2019)
  • Backer T-Shirt Link (update #40, Oct 23, 2019)
  • Aberrant Worldwide Phase 1 [1E] PDF (update #42, Nov 26, 2019)
  • Project Utopia [1E] PDF (update #42, Nov 26, 2019)
  • [1E] PDF (update #42, Nov 26, 2019)


  • Trinity Continuum Core  Hardcover
  • Trinity Continuum Core PoD Coupon
  • Trinity Continuum: Æon Hardcover
  • Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Reference Screen
  • Trinity Continuum Core Reference Screen
  • Trinity Continuum: Æon Reference Screen
  • Digital Wallpaper
  • N!WE PDF
  • Proteus Nova Compendium PDF
  • Novas Worldwide PDF
  • Novella #1
  • Novella #2
  • Duke Rollo Fiction PDF


Kickstarter continues to be an important part of the process for Onyx Path, and looking at the long list of projects in the works on the Monday Meeting Notes blog, it certainly looks like that’ll be the case in the new year.

I mean, check out the Onyx Path 2019-2020 Publishing Brochure for a taste of all the things they've got going on!

Rather than just take pre-order for an upcoming project, Kickstarter has allowed Onyx Path to gauge interest in game lines (to see if they should develop additional projects beyond those offered during the campaign), and sometimes even add additional projects to a game line immediately via Stretch Goal achievements. More importantly, it’s a chance to interact with the community and for everyone to get involved from the earliest stages.

Looking at 2019, Onyx Path had 7 Kickstarter campaigns funded, as well as teaming up with Handiwork Games on a successful campaign for the Scarred Lands 5E Creature Collection.

  • MUMMY: THE CURSE Second Edition

And, though the campaign is only halfway along and will finish in 2020, the recent Cults of the Blood Gods for Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition funded in under an hour, which technically makes it funded in 2019!

Thanks to your support during these campaigns, Onyx Path was able to introduce the following additional projects:

  • Monsters of the Deep for They Came from Beneath the Sea!
  • Tales of Aquatic Terror for They Came from Beneath the Sea!
  • Heroic Land Dwellers for They Came from Beneath the Sea!
  • Many-Faced Strangers – a Lunars Companion for Exalted Third Edition
  • A Lunars-focused novella for Exalted Third Edition
  • A Lunars-focused cloth map of Creation for Exalted Third Edition
  • The Contagion Chronicle Player’s Companion
  • Global Outbreaks for the Contagion Chronicle
  • An Adventure for Pirates of Pugmire
  • A Pirates of Pugmire-focused Guide Screen
  • Releasing You Are Not Alone on DrivethruComics
  • Scanning and releasing the “Lost” PDF titles from Aberrant 1stEdition
  • N!WE for Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
  • Proteus Nova Compendium for Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
  • Novas Worldwide for Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
  • 2 Aberrant-focused novellas
  • Brand new Duke Rollo fiction to support Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
  • The Clades Companion for Deviant: The Renegades
  • The Devoted Companion for Deviant: The Renegades
  • A Deviant novella
  • The Book of Lasting Death for Mummy: The Curse Second Edition

All of that is in addition to the usual backer rewards, like T-shirt designs and digital wallpapers.

So, thank you for coming with me on this journey, and I hope that 2020 allows all of us to continue to enjoy and build these communities!

First Kickstarter of 2020: Cults of the Blood Gods

In all of Vampire: The Masquerade's history, there's never been a book wholly dedicated to the diverse faiths and cults among Kindred, the ways in which they practice, their relationships with each other, and how to utilize religion in your chronicles as a force of hope and destruction.

Cults of the Blood Gods is the book you want, if you're interested in incorporating ecclesiastical horror in your games. This book contains everything you need to have each Kindred in your coterie establish a cult, cleave to a unique faith, and establish domains in the name of an ancient methuselah, being of myth, or even the Kindred protagonists themselves.

Not only that, it provides the tools necessary to play members of the Clan of Death, once known as the Cappadocians, then the Giovanni, and now the Hecata, as well as new powers for members of a large number of cults, rules for creating your own religions, and an entire story set in Munich with ready-made characters, so you can play immediately upon receipt of the book.

Already funded and now focused on Stretch Goal supplements, you can check it out on Kickstarter:

November 2019 Update - and "Lost" PDF Reward Distribution!
about 5 years ago – Tue, Nov 26, 2019 at 07:14:20 PM

Hello there, Continuum Community!

It's James. And I'll hide, hide in your Nova heart.

With so many of you about to hit the long holiday weekend of American Thanksgiving (as it's known in Canada), I thought I'd sneak this month end update out a bit early... because I also have a handful of Stretch Goal rewards to send out!

For those backers who added on any of the 1E PDF Bundles, you may remember that there were three titles that had been released back in the day that had not yet made the jump to the digital world. And then, we had these Stretch Goals:

Well, DriveThruRPG has completed the scanning and processing and converted these books into digital PDF files. As a reminder, previously released titles have been scanned from physical copies by and were digitized as best possible. So quality may vary from title to title.

But, they now exist. And they're ready to go out to backers who selected any of the three 1E PDF Bundles as an Add On reward.


Your link to claim these digital rewards will be sent out by our BackerKit pledge manager over the next day. Since we are using our partners at DriveThruRPG as the hosts for these, you will need to set up a DriveThru account if you don't have one already. If you encounter any problems with downloading your rewards, please contact DriveThru's customer service to resolve the matter, they've always been top-rated for customer service.

Again, you will receive an e-mail from BackerKit with coupon redemption links for these rewards over the next day if any of them are on your expected list of rewards. I'll be releasing them in waves, so don't panic if you only see a single link at first... the rest are coming.

The easiest way to see if you've got digital downloads available is to login to your backerkit account: and it'll show anything available. Your backerkit account should also confirm all rewards that you should expect from your reward tier selected.

And, if these were the final three titles you were missing from your digital Aberrant library - they will be available soon from DriveThruRPG, just like all previous Aberrant 1E titles!

In fact, according to the recent Monday Meeting Notes post (linked here) from Onyx Path, December looks like it’s going to be Trinity Continuum month for their weekly Wednesday On Sale offerings! With December being the month that the Trinity Continuum and TC: Aeon core books start going on sale in stores, and the PDFs and PoDs going live on DTRPG, they’ll actually have a couple of items becoming available every week.

So, keep an eye out for those releases, if you don't already have them. And I'm pretty sure we'll see a another reward move from our Pending to Delivered list as they become available.

And speaking of our reward tracking lists...

REWARD TRACKING - Completed Rewards (Sent to Backers)

  • Aberrant 1E PDF Bundle: System & Setting (update #37, Sept 9, 2019)
  • Aberrant 1E PDF Bundle: Factions & Organizations (update #37, Sept 9, 2019)
  • Aberrant 1E PDF Bundle: Mini Sourcebooks (update #37, Sept 9, 2019)
  • You Are Not Alone Compilation PDF (update #37, Sept 9, 2019)
  • Trinity Continuum Core PDF (update #37, Sept 9, 2019)
  • Trinity Continuum: Æon PDF (update #37, Sept 9, 2019)
  • OnyxDice Aberrant D10 (update #39, Oct 3, 2019)
  • Backer T-Shirt Link (update #40, Oct 23, 2019)
  • Aberrant Worldwide Phase 1 [1E] PDF (update #42, Nov 26, 2019)
  • Project Utopia [1E] PDF (update #42, Nov 26, 2019)
  • [1E] PDF (update #42, Nov 26, 2019)


  • Trinity Continuum Core  Hardcover
  • Trinity Continuum Core PoD Coupon
  • Trinity Continuum: Æon Hardcover
  • Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Reference Screen
  • Trinity Continuum Core Reference Screen
  • Trinity Continuum: Æon Reference Screen
  • Digital Wallpaper
  • N!WE PDF
  • Proteus Nova Compendium PDF
  • Novas Worldwide PDF
  • Novella #1
  • Novella #2
  • Duke Rollo Fiction PDF

I'll post our list of delivered and pending rewards with each monthly update, so that we can track everything that's needed and keep on the same page. Also, feel free to check out Onyx Path's Monday Meeting Notes posts (linked here) which will give you a weekly status report on ALL of the projects Onyx Path has on the go (you may see spoilers for my monthly updates, or see what other kickstarter campaigns are currently running, or launching soon).


In Mummy: The Curse, players take on the characters of the Arisen, humans who were subjects of the greatest magic ever worked by mortal hands, the Rite of Return, in the long-lost Nameless Empire. As part of the Rite, they underwent ritual death, and their souls were eternally bound to their mortal remains. Consequently, while the Arisen can be killed, they will always return, their bodies reforming anew.

Mummy: The Curse Second Edition includes all the rules you need to play as one of the Arisen: Decrees and Pillars that reflect the transformation by the Rite of Return, Utterances and Affinities as the powers you wield and the price you pay for them, magical relics and vessels for use or sacrifice, and all manner of antagonists from immortals to Shuankhsen and others besides.

Pledge to help us create and get this Second Edition of Chronicles of Darkness' Mummy: The Curse into stores! The campaign has Arisen and is now on Kickstarter:


October 2019 Update
over 5 years ago – Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 09:49:07 PM

Happy Halloween, Continuum Community!

It's the members of TEAM NEXT TUESDAY, the latest kickstarter crimefighting supergroup

I'm sneaking in on the final day of the month to send out our regular update! It'll be super-quick, as I'm spending most of the day changing costumes! It's like a Concierge fashion show!

REWARD TRACKING - Completed Rewards (Sent to Backers)

  • Aberrant 1E PDF Bundle: System & Setting (update #37, Sept 9, 2019)
  • Aberrant 1E PDF Bundle: Factions & Organizations (update #37, Sept 9, 2019)
  • Aberrant 1E PDF Bundle: Mini Sourcebooks (update #37, Sept 9, 2019)
  • You Are Not Alone Compilation PDF (update #37, Sept 9, 2019)
  • Trinity Continuum Core PDF (update #37, Sept 9, 2019)
  • Trinity Continuum: Æon PDF (update #37, Sept 9, 2019)
  • OnyxDice Aberrant D10 (update #39, Oct 3, 2019)
  • Backer T-Shirt Link (update #40, Oct 23, 2019)


  • Trinity Continuum Core  Hardcover
  • Trinity Continuum Core PoD Coupon
  • Trinity Continuum: Æon Hardcover
  • Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Reference Screen
  • Trinity Continuum Core Reference Screen
  • Trinity Continuum: Æon Reference Screen
  • Aberrant Worldwide Phase 1 [1E] PDF
  • Project Utopia [1E] PDF
  • [1E] PDF
  • Digital Wallpaper
  • N!WE PDF
  • Proteus Nova Compendium PDF
  • Novas Worldwide PDF
  • Novella #1
  • Novella #2
  • Duke Rollo Fiction PDF

I'll post our list of delivered and pending rewards with each monthly update, so that we can track everything that's needed and keep on the same page. Also, feel free to check out Onyx Path's Monday Meeting Notes posts (linked here) which will give you a weekly status report on ALL of the projects Onyx Path has on the go (you may see spoilers for my monthly updates, or see what other kickstarter campaigns are currently running, or launching soon).


In Mummy: The Curse, players take on the characters of the Arisen, humans who were subjects of the greatest magic ever worked by mortal hands, the Rite of Return, in the long-lost Nameless Empire. As part of the Rite, they underwent ritual death, and their souls were eternally bound to their mortal remains. Consequently, while the Arisen can be killed, they will always return, their bodies reforming anew.

Mummy: The Curse Second Edition includes all the rules you need to play as one of the Arisen: Decrees and Pillars that reflect the transformation by the Rite of Return, Utterances and Affinities as the powers you wield and the price you pay for them, magical relics and vessels for use or sacrifice, and all manner of antagonists from immortals to Shuankhsen and others besides.

Pledge to help us create and get this Second Edition of Chronicles of Darkness' Mummy: The Curse into stores! The Kickstarter rises from its tomb on Tuesday, November 5th at 2pm Eastern time!

Reward Delivery: Backer T-shirts Available for a Limited Time!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 12:48:52 AM

Hello Continuum Community!

It's October James!

I'll have one of our regular month-end updates out on Halloween, ensuring we're all on the same page when it comes to the progress of the book and the status of our various rewards.

But I didn't want to wait another week to share a new Kickstarter Reward Delivery!!


These novas have the Mega-Style Edge!

One of our Stretch Goals during the kickstarter campaign was a special discounted-for-a-limited-time Kickstarter Backer Trinity Continuum: Aberrant T-shirt.

If you click over to Onyx Path's REDBUBBLE T-shirt Shop you will see the Trinity Continuum: Aberrant T-shirt, which will be available at a discounted price for a LIMITED TIME ONLY! You have ONE WEEK to order this shirt if you'd like to set sail in style!

And, just like our favorite novas, these shirts come in different shapes and sizes, so don't forget to scroll through and check out your options!

One last time: This shirt will be available for a LIMITED TIME ONLY - please act quickly if you're interested! They won't be available after October 31st, so use your Speed Edge!

See you in a week with our regular month-end status update. Until then, game on!

REWARD: Digital Dice
over 5 years ago – Thu, Oct 03, 2019 at 07:54:55 PM

Hello Continuum Community,

I know we're in October, but let's call this September 2109 Update (a), with a minor addendum to last month's status update. Because...

It's Trinity Continuum: Aberrant dice day! (Try saying that three times fast! - A trinity of times, if you will)

If you remember back to our kickstarter, one of the Stretch Goals we unlocked was:

And now, it can be fulfilled...

Step One: Install the App

The iOs version is available here: iOs OnyxDice App

The Android version is available here: Android Version App

Once installed (or updated to the latest version, for those who already have it installed), those backers who should be receiving the Trinity Continuum: Aberrant digital dice as one of our Stretch Goal rewards can unlock the new dice.

Remember, these digital dice were part of the Stretch Goals so were automatically added to backers who are set to receive this reward.

Step Two: Enter your Kickstarter E-Mail to Redeem

Click on the triangle to pull down the system menu
Select the settings option
Enter the e-mail address used for your Kickstarter account in the Redemption field and press ENTER
Great Success!

Step Three: Select Your Bonus Die

From the front page, click STORE to show all dice available
Select ALL, which will reveal all of the OnyxDice dice available - including the unlocked Aberrant D10
Select one of your unlocked D10 styles and click SELECT to add it to your active dice

Step Four: Roll Successes

Trinity Continuum dice! In both core and Aberrant flavors!

Remember to use the options in settings to customize your rolls to reflect your ruleset and difficulty options (there are two presets built in for quick selection, but you can customize with several options).

If the redemption process is not working for you, please check the following:

Is the OnyxDice Aberrant D10 part of your rewards list? You can check on BackerKit for a complete list of rewards you should be expecting.  If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at

If this reward is listed as part of your Reward Tier, double-check that you're using the correct e-mail address for redemption.

If the Digital D10 is not part of your rewards list as noted on your BackerKit page, you will not be able to unlock the Aberrant D10 for free.

If you should be receiving this reward but it doesn't appear on your reward list, or if you're not sure which e-mail address you should be using, contact me contact me via the Kickstarter Contact Creator button or post in the comments on this Update and I will work with you to solve the issue.

FOR ALL OTHER TECHNICAL ISSUES with the OnyxDice App, you can contact the developers at their Facebook page: where they can help you out. Tyler's done a great job, as usual, and I'm really happy to add this die to my Trinity Continuum digital rolling options.

I will update this reward, moving it from Pending to Delivered when I send out our October status update!

